Friday 15 April 2016

Starting to get a Spring in my Step

After a few days of surprisingly warm weather and the sight of daylight at increasingly early times of day, it really feels as though Spring is here. There have been a few t-shirt sleeve runs (as opposed to base layer and jacket runs) and although I'm yet to actually get out of an evening during daylight (due to work - not a complaint), I'm keen and motivated to do so.
I've been piling a lot of "shoulds" on myself recently, which has sometimes left me feeling pretty stressed out about running on occasion. Training is important but when I'm left dreading every run, I know something needs to change, which is exactly what I did a little while ago, sacking off a long run to just enjoy my day. I've just been getting some enjoyable miles in, which in the end added up to the distance I was after anyway.

I actually managed to remember to take a rest day in addition to mixing up running with other workouts. I went for a fitness assessment at the local Virgin Active, which was reassuringly straightforward, and while I was there, had a browse of their class timetable. Some interesting things there and a pool that is wonderfully free of school children. I gave up a gym membership when I became a PT, partly because I have access to a gym where I work, but I pay out for swim and yoga sessions, and having greater variety appeals at the moment so I'm considering taking one out again. It feels like a bit of a cop out in some respects, but I've always maintained that if things aren't fun, you won't stick with them, and right now exercise for me needs to be more fun.
So with that in mind, my training for the week ending 8th April looked like this:
Saturday: 2 mile walk
Sunday: Strength & Conditioning class
Monday: 8 mile run, 90 minute yoga class
Tuesday: 5 mile run
Wednesday: Rest day
Thursday: 6 mile run
Friday: 3 mile run, press-up & sit up work out

How do you keep training fun, especially when you're building up to a big event? Or do you just manage to knuckle down and get on with it?

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