Thursday 10 June 2010

Juneathon Day 10 - Rat Race

Today has been really tough in terms of fitting any sort of exercise in. I was up at 6.30am to go into London and had a team dinner this evening which left me with barely an hour between getting home and going out again. I almost threw in the towel but pulled on my trainers for a quick interval session and settled for missing out on pre-dinner drinks. My heart wasn't really in it, it has to be said, and I was fairly easy on myself but at least I did something. I didn't do as well as last time, I walked more than I should have done. I have more time tomorrow though so although I might give the running a rest, I should be able to get out on the bike for a bit of variety. I will definitely conquer intervals after the race though... I mean it's not like I'm going to stop training, in fact I've got the half marathon to look forward to even if I book nothing else up before then... and I'm still tempted to run a few more 10k's before the summer's out.

I am also quite tempted to sign up for the summer version of Tough Guy one year. It certainly won't be this year and might not be next if I want to do a tri (although I'd like to actually go and watch one before I participate and that might not happen for a while). Something does strangely appeal about doing something so stupidly outrageous and body breaking. So many events to try! So much training to do and so many years worth of planning. I think the hardest part is pacing myself!

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